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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Freedom Writer's Entry #1

I had a really hard lesson for me to have learned was to learn who your true friends are, and people who are just 'friends'. It nearly destroyed me when I had to learn it but I found out that I had 4 friends I can really rely on, and are my true friends. They helped me (one of them was involved in it as well) get through, and we took it all on together. It was a hard lesson to learn, but it was better to learn it, than not learn it at all. I was also lucky to have learned it so early in my life, than later on. Without having learned this lesson, I think I would still be that cocky little, word that rhymes with witch, who thinks everyone can be trusted. Nope, not anymore, I enclose myself, but not completely, unless I feel you truly do want to know me for the better reasons OF knowing me. This lesson is truly a lesson needed to be learned by more people than they should think. I'm glad I was one, who has already learned it.

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